Sunday 10 May 2015

Be your own best friend

Why do you need someone when you have yourself? Aren't you enough for yourself? Why fall in love with someone else when there is so much to be loved within? At least you don't cheat yourself, break trust or lie. At least you don't judge or question your honesty or love or character. Then why can't be you, your own best friend since this is the only person , you'll find in this universe, that's gonna stay with you forever?

See, when you work, study or travel, you meet people of different kinds. Some people that you do not connect with and there are some that you connect with instantly. Those who you connect with become your friends, some for a lifetime while some for a very short period. And this is how life is. People don't stay forever. Some leave for good while some leave only to return back. But they leave and this is where it all starts getting complicated. You become so used to that person being around you all the time that when they are there no more, you feel empty and alone. But all this time you don't realise that you ain't alone, sir. You have yourself, an amazing friend that you kind of left behind, ignored while you were busy making friends that would leave you later.

Being with yourself is the best thing in the world. When i am alone, i talk to myself. About Everything. Every single thing. I analyse situations, find answers to so many questions, workout on making myself a better person, scold myself at times, appreciate myself on my achievements and so many other things i would do with my best friend. Just the thought that you will be there for yourself when the rest of the world won't even bother, is the best feeling ever since this always reminds you that you ain't alone.

So, love yourself for who you are. Never feel surprised when someone tells you how amazing you are because know that everytime even if someone says that or not. And never wait for a right friend or anyone else for that matter because always remember the kind of love and attention you can give yourself, no one in a million years can give that to you. Be your best friend, always :)

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