Sunday 3 May 2015

Conquering them hard times...

"Life's hard, why me?" How many times have you heard yourself asking this very popular question? Many times, yes? Well it isn't surprising and you are not the only one. I used to ask this and so many other people i know still ask it when things don't work out the way they want or when life just throws unwanted challenges on them. This is natural. We do get frustrated. Living isn't easy and there are no rules. Everytime you face a challenge or a problem, you are bound to make new rules, find new directions, fight back and hope that you come out as a winner. But again this is hard. The whole process drains you out. You get emotionally and physically weak and then you ask yourself ,"why me?"

Now there! there! Let's ask this question from a very different angle. A very new and positive perspective.

"Why me, God? Is there a reason you have chosen me for this? Since everything in life ( bad or good) happens for a reason, there must be one for this one too.Is this a test? A test through which You are evaluating my faith and my belief in You? And if i pass, You are gonna reward me with a bigger success and happiness that i would end up forgetting everything, the hard times i am going through right now? Maybe, the situation isn't as bad as i think. God thinks i am capable enough and is the reason He is making me go through this.He knows that i have the strength and courage that will help me conquer this problem.All i need is paitence and a positive attitude.All will be clear then.I will find my direction and i will get myself out of this for the reward that awaits at the end of this road".

So did the new perspective work? A positive attitute towards life changes everything. What we think is a hardship, is not really one. It's a test. All you need is a strong will and belief , belief in the idea that this shall too pass and only good awaits me at the end of this  journey. We don't have control over what happens in our life but we surely have control over how we deal with it.