Monday 25 May 2015

When did i find God....

I like sitting in my room quietly while it's dark and just thinking about life, career and other random stuff. There are times when i cry over some memories and there are times when i laugh at so many beautiful moments, i've had in my very short life. I love doing this because you are the closest to yourself  and you just feel free. So yesterday, when i was practising this very private ritual, i came across a question,When did i find my God?or just not to make it sound controversial, when did i come closer to my God? Amazingly, i had to think over this a lot, remembering facts, before i came to an answer.

Life's a roller coaster, we all know that, but i had the "honour" of  enjoying that roller coaster at a very young age. Teenage was hard, without any doubt but leaving for UK at the age of 19 all by myself was harder. I had never travelled alone before that ( without my parents) and here i was planning to live all by myself for the next three and a half years. Crucial times then and it wasn't easy but i made it. It was there that my life changed for good. I changed for good. And it was right there when i found my God.

I do used to pray even before leaving for UK but i guess my belief wasn't strong enough. There was always this doubt that am i being heard or not. Those three years helped me overcome that and everytime i used to pray or pray now, i get this very strong feeling that somebody out there is listening and if this wish/desire is good for me,i'll get my prayers answered. I saw a change in myself in a way that while i was in Pakistan ,i used to ask my parents for evrything but while i was in UK, i started asking for things, directly from God( which i practise now too). This was one major step that helped me get closer to Him. It was like He was right there. I feel thankful that i got this opportunity because i needed one then.

Being closer to God, is a very valuable thing. It's like you have Somebody always there for you and this world becomes such a happy place to live because you know He is not leaving you at all. I hope all of us find God before it's too late. The best part is He is every where, you just need to look with a believer's eyes.

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