Sunday 3 May 2015

Why do i write....

Since this is my first blog ever, I would like to tell all my readers the reason why i decided to write a blog. So i have never been a good writer. Never. Always a good reader, yes, but i have never been good at expressing my thoughts and feeling. I used to think that penning down your thoughts or feelings on a paper is probably the hardest thing ever and just generally useless. Not just penning down, but generally the idea of expression was something i didn't believe in. I used to keep stuff to myself only.I never had the urge to share them with anyone. Probably because my thoughts and ideas were simple, not complicated and easy to deal with. Definitely that. However this changed. This had to change because life doesn't remain the same. It gets compliacted, challenging and soon you realise expression is probably the best medicine. It heals and sorts out so much. The best thing about writing is how it helps analyse different situations in your life in the most quickest way possible. It makes you feel lighter as if you have just let everything out, bad and good, it isn't with you anymore and that is the best feeling ever, my friends.

So yes writing is a blessing and i believe everyone can do it. It ain't hard at all and you don't need to be an "A" grader in English to be a writer ( I got a C). Get them words speak up for themselves. You never know, you might end up being an inspiration for someone on this planet(that would be the best thing if this ever happens to me). So i write with the hope that my words might change someone for good or my stories might inspire someone. Everyone's got a story and you never know your story/experience might just help out someone.

I am gonna blog and that too regulary because i have many experiences to share. The excitement is building in me already. "My words"is going to be my life journey( which wasn't easy) but definetly worth every pain and hardship. It's gonna be about my beliefs and ideas and so many other exciting and amazing every day experiences and lessons learnt. I hope i do justice to all this. Can't wait to bring myself on this blog. I hope this experience brings the best out of me. After all hope is all we have.

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