Tuesday 5 May 2015

To London, with love

Last night i woke up in an unfamiliar place. In a place, i had completely forgotten. There were no sounds of sirens, traffic, people on the street, arguing or laughing. I couldn't hear the roars of buses or trains passing by in the nearby train station. It was a different place i was in. And then i remembered that i was home. And no longer in London.

I would have never thought the place i was so not excited to go, will be the place i'll miss so much.London is not just a second home to me, it's a place that changed me for good, a place that made me realise nothing is hard or impossible, if you have the will and courage things just work out the way you want them too. 

Living independent, on my own, was the most difficult task ever since i was the kid who used to get everything on plate, right there. I had no experience of the world outside. School-Home-Friends, this was exactly what i knew about life. Making a bank account or washing your dishes or clothes or even cooking your own food was not a reality but a dream or something i wasn't familiar with. But this place, showed me how it is done and that life is not just "fun" only, there is a lot to it and that a lot is both interesting and frustrating at times. There were times when the i used to think why do people live in a city who is eating me up, just spatting me out at the best of times, where simple tasks were a constant battle but then there were some amazing times when this cold, grey capital meant the world to me.

We've been in a love/hate relationship always. I hated travelling on the central line while going to school in the morning. Those packed tubes used to annoy me and there were days when i used to skip school just because of that. But there were days when i used to love those tubes. taking me wherever i wanted to go. I have read some amazing books, on my journeys, on that very central line and not to forget The Evening Standard and DailyMail.

I miss that amazing Sainsbury's right in front of my flat, cheap clothes from Primark, food from M&S,peaceful green parks and old buildings. I miss queing for musicals and symphonies for hours just to get cheap tickets. I miss the walking part, just starting from one station to another, without realising how far i usually used to end up. I miss the cold days, my hot chocolate from Starbucks and simply me being with myself and loving everything about that moment.

There is this quote that i read a few days back that i loved so much that i got it printed and hanged it in my room."You will never be completely at home again, because part of your will always be elsewhere.That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place". And while i am happy to be home, working and living with my family, London, you cold, cazy, grey, super expensive and mad place, you will always be in my heart. 



  1. Replies
    1. Same feeling's as I have spent in that city between 2010 & 2014. Well expressed!!!

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