Tuesday 5 May 2015

Feel-good Movies

"Even when God seemed to have abandoned me, He was watching me.
Even when He seemed indifferent to my suffering, He was watching me.
And when i was beyound all hopes of saving, He gave me rest and that gave me a sign to continue my journey."

Life of Pi has to be one of my most favourite movies and this quote above speaks for itself. I love this movie because it talks about belief, trust and love. It is one of those movies that i can watch a million times and not get bored. This movie makes you cherish the simplest things in life, like companionship, love, honesty and trust. You don't need to be of a certain religion or belief. This movie portrays universal ideas, ideas that all humans should believe in and follow and that makes this way too beautiful.

Another one of my favourites is  The Shawshank Redemption. Despite the fact that this has my most favourite actor , Morgan Freeman, this movie is absolute delight to watch because of it's amazing storyline and heart winning acting.The dialogue that takes the crown for me and many more is " some birds are never meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright". Many of us are are suffering or going through so much that we don't even deserve. Life is a journey and it is fair to some while isn't to others. But those who deserve good, get it sooner or later for God listens to every pray and He isn't bias and that is what makes HiM great.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of good things and no good thing ever dies",hope described in the best way possible. So long there is a tomorrow, there is hope. What is lost, is not lost forever and that is what is beautifully defined in this movie.

I would always prefer books over movies but these two movies are an exception. These movies are all about hope, courage and belief. My kind of movies, feel-good movies and if you haven't watched them do, please do :)

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