Wednesday 13 May 2015

Letting go

I  used to have this fear of letting go. Letting go of things that were so close to me. Letting go of people i "thought" were here to stay. The idea of letting go never crossed my mind, probably because i was immature or a little too protective of things that were close to me. Or maybe i was used to getting attached to things and people so easily that the concept of letting go was more of a fear and a painful idea that i never thought i would practice. But then again, experiences change you. You grow. Mature. And are made to do all those things that you thought you won't because you weren't brave enough.

Letting go isn't easy, believe me, especially those people who start meaning the world to you. Decisions such as these are hardest to make. You suffer later. You end up thinking why on earth i made such a decision. I should have waited, analysed and probably should have given another chance. All such ideas and thoughts come into your mind and you start blaming yourself for so many reasons. You do and it's natural. But hang on! Game isn't over until, you end it. C'mon!

Letting go of someone is the best and probably the most brave decision one makes. It is painful but that pain is only short term. Everything starts getting normal after some time. Life moves on. You go back to your normal self. You start realising that this was needed. They were never meant to stay in your life. It wasn't written in the stars, as they say. Maybe, letting go is good for both the parties. You don't get everything in life and you don't need to whine over it. Everything is for good and letting go of someone doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Find new people, make new friends. Don't let this be the end of you.

1 comment:

  1. The reason why we can't let go of someone is because deep inside we still have hope.
