Thursday 21 May 2015

Growing old isn't fun!

Do you remember those days when you used to aspire those heels your mom wore or that makeup she used to wear? How you couldn't wait to grow old and try all these one day? Seeing your dad driving a car, you used to imagine yourself doing it one day and the thought of independence made you feel all excited. Right? Amazing feels then! They were amazing because this was all we knew about growing up. Independence, good job, an handsome/ beautiful spouse, doing what we feel like, that was all we had imagined about this growing up phenomena. Yes we had and we couldn't wait for all this to happen. How foolish and dumb we were. Seriously!!!!

Now that i am in my mid 20's and all independent, i see that life was so much comfortable then. Home-School-Home-Friends, that was it! No work politics, no money issues, no looking for a "reliable or trustworthy" spouse for yourself, no such troubles at all. You didn't know about the world then, that it isn't as happy and fun as it looks on TV or books. It's so much out there. Black and White, as i call it.

 When you will work you make friends but then there will be people who you will choose to hate too. You will meet people, many people, some will be worth your time and love while some won't be. Some will hurt you so bad. You never realized this when you were young because feelings didn't worry you then. You were least bothered and that was the best thing ever. Apart from work, you never realized how your family will change with time. Everyone will move out, marry or find a job somewhere or probably die. You never did think how people you love won't be there around you at all.

 Growing up not only comes with loads of challenges but crazy responsibilities too. Being the best, getting into a good institution, finding a nice job. marrying a good person and then running a family, all such responsibilities is what this phase puts on you.  Believe me, none of this is interesting or fun.

Wish we would have realized then that how *not-so-fun* this would be. Wish we would have loved every moment of being young, stupid and foolish. If there is anything like time machine, i would love to buy it and move way way back to all those years when i was a toddler and never return back because that was real life. That was where all the fun, love, trust and happiness was!

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